Friday, August 3, 2012

More On Teaching Compassion To Our Grandchildren

 I have been following posts on Facebook written by Pam O'Halloran who started a community page on Facebook titled "The Forgotten Ones: Compassion for the Elderly".  It is really a heartwarming community page that I hope everyone will visit and "like".

Recently, she posted a link to an excerpt from a short film created by Dean Kalman Lennert titled "Dear Anna Olson" that I have shared below. It is a beautiful, touching excerpt that will motivate anyone to remember the elderly with a little act of kindness.

The creator of the film was motivated to create this film by a note he found tied to a balloon in 1988 in upstate New York. It had traveled all the way from Ohio.

Pam O'Halloran has another community page on Facebook that encourages readers to send cards, letters, photos or even small gifts for the lonely and forgotten elderly around the world. I  think this is another terrific project to get kids involved in. If you have been trying to think of  something to do with your grandchildren that is fun, creative, generous and a character education (with a little geography lesson thrown in too!),  visit "The Forgotten Ones: International Card Exchange for the Elderly". If you scroll way down the page, you will find addresses of nursing homes around the world. I am sure everyone has a nursing home or two in their community with lonely seniors that would love to get a card in the mail too.

Well, we're off to design some cards to mail out!



  1. Oh my goodness. Such a poignant video. Thank you for sharing.

    I love the idea of teaching grandchildren (and children) compassion by encouraging them to creatively reach out to those who most need it. Wonderful. I used to take my Girl Scout troops to visit nursing homes, but this is more meaningful as cards and letters and such are something a shut-in can look at again and again.

    Thank you so much for visiting Grandma's Briefs. It's great to meet you!

  2. So glad you took the time to view the video. I am going to talk to my grandson's teacher to see if I can get a class project going to write letters to nursing home residents. It would teach compassion, enhance writing skills and a little geography too.

  3. Dear Lydia, Thank you so very much for your kind words, and encouraging your readers to visit my pages, The Forgotten Ones: Compassion for the Elderly and The Forgotten Ones: International Card Exchange for the Elderly. I hope this will inspire everyone to volunteer to visit the lonely elderly in nursing homes etc. and to visit my page for addresses to begin sending cards. The example you are setting for children is beyond admirable. Thank you again. Pam O'Halloran
    For links check

    1. Thanks back at you Pam for the awareness you bring to others.
