Friday, June 14, 2013

Goldfish Farm

Drew is delighted that we have found ourselves with an abundance of goldfish on our farm. He has this ambitious idea that we will have a pet shop on our farm. We are well stocked with goldfish at this time for this endeavor.

We built a greenhouse last year to try out aquaponics. We have an above ground pool in the greenhouse that is approximately 3' deep by 15' in diameter.

Goldfish Hotel

Our intention is to try to raise yellow perch in this pool. Since yellow perch fry or fingerlings are not available until early summer, we decided we would put our pond goldfish in the pool over the winter months. We kept the pool heated with a solar panel that my husband made. They liked it. Really liked it.

Pampered Pond Goldfish

The goldfish spawned and the eggs were swept up through the pump system we have installed. The eggs were then deposited in to the grow beds and the tanks for the floating crops. It's the eggs in these tanks that have provided us with an abundance of goldfish.There are baby goldfish in all four tanks!

Goldfish Babies Everywhere!
So, anyone out there looking for some pond goldfish? You know who to contact!

1 comment:

  1. Drew could get rich with his gift shop! Nature can be so entertaining! Love the pictures.
